Vadim Yoockin
- YBS - The best blocksorting compressor to date :); Home of VYCCT.
Dmitry Shkarin - PPMD vIrev1/PPMonstr
- Last is the most efficient PPM-based compressor to date.
Alexander Ratushnyak - ERI32,
Archivers comparison.
Eugene Roshal - RAR, FAR.
Igor Pavlov - UFA,777,7ZIP etc :)
Malcolm Taylor
- RK,RKau,RKim
Maxime Zakharov
- articles on compression, including mine one :)
Kirill Voloshin
- latest archiver versions, archiver comparisons, articles
(and one more mine ;)
Leonid Broukhis - compression
Vladimir Kalashnikov
- Java demos, PWLHack, articles...
Konstantin Belous
Sergey Erokhin
- MV, which i use to read fido conferences; emulator(s) for some ancient computer(s)