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Фрактальное сжатие
Лейпцигская коллекция статей по фрактальному сжатию изображений
The Leipzig Paper Collection on Fractal Image Compression
В данный момент эта страница содержит 133 статьи на тему фрактального сжатия изображений. Тексты представлены в формате PostScript, сжатом при помощи gzip.
Здесь также есть библиография (декабрь 1998) по фрактальному сжатию изображений, содержащая статьи, которые недоступны с этой страницы.
"Введение в" и обзор фрактального сжатия изображений находятся здесь:
D. Saupe, R. Hamzaoui, H. Hartenstein,
Fractal image compression - An introductory overview,
in: Fractal Models for Image Synthesis, Compression, and Analysis, D. Saupe, J. Hart (eds.),
ACM SIGGRAPH'96 Course Notes.
В целях своевременного обновления данной коллекции статей и библиографии крайне желательно, чтобы читатели присылали нам электронные копии и ссылки на журнальные статьи, научные работы, доклады etc,
Представленные здесь материалы предназначены для популяризации научных и технических работ. Соответствующие авторские и прочие права остаются за авторами или иными держателями копирайтов. Все лица, копирующие данную информацию, должны придерживаться условий и ограничений, связанных с авторскими правами. В большинстве случаев, эти работы не должны распространяться без прямого разрешения держателя копирайта. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Z
M. Ali, T. G. Clarkson,
Fractal image compression,
Proc. 1st Seminar on Information Technology and its Applications (ITA'91),
Markfield Conf. Centre, Leicester, U.K., 29 Sept., 1991.
M. Ali, T. G. Clarkson,
Survey of Block Based Fractal Image Compression and Its Applications,
Proc. 2nd Seminar on Information Technology and its Applications (ITA'92),
Markfield Conf. Centre, Leicester, U.K., Dec. 1993.
M. Ali, T. G. Clarkson,
Using linear fractal interpolation functions to compress video images,
Fractals 2,3 (1994) 417-421.
M. Ali, M. A. Gennert, T. G. Clarkson,
Analysis, generation and compression of pavement distress images using fractals,
in The Applications of Fractals and Chaos, eds. A.J. Crilly, R.A. Earnshaw and H. Jones,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993, p.147-169.
Figures 1 & 2
M. Ali, C. Papadopoulos, T. G. Clarkson,
The use of fractal theory in a video compression system,
in Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC'92), 24-27 March, 1992.
Amram, E., Blanc-Talon, J.,
Recursive histograms comparison for accelerating fractal image compression,
in Proc. IEEE ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 97.
Asgari, S., Nguyen, T. Q., Sethares, W.,
Wavelet-based fractal transforms for image coding with no search,
in Proc. IEEE ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 97.
Au, O. C., Liou, M. L., Ma, L. K.,
Fast fractal encoding in frequency domain,
in Proc. IEEE ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 97.
Z. Baharav, D. Malah, E. Karnin,
Hierarchical interpretation of fractal image coding and its applications to fast decoding,
Intl. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Cyprus, 1993.
B. Bani-Eqbal,
Speeding up fractal image compression,
Proceedings from IS&TSPIE 1995
Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology Vol. 2418: Still-Image
Compression, 1995.
Barakat, M., Dugelay, J.-L.,
Image sequence coding using 3-D I.F.S.,
Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
K. U. Barthel,
Entropy constrained fractal image coding,
NATO ASI on Fractal Image Coding, Trondheim, Norway, July 1995 .
Barthel, K. U., Brandau, S., Hermesmeier, W., Heising, G.,
Zerotree wavelet coding using fractal prediction,
in Proc. IEEE ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 97.
Barthel, K. U., Ruhl, G., Voye, T.,
Combining wavelet and fractal coding for 3-D video coding,
Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
K. U. Barthel, J. Sch{\"u}ttemeyer, Th. Voye, P. Noll,
A new image coding technique unifying fractal and transform coding,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'94), Austin, Texas.
K. U. Barthel, T. Voye,
Adaptive fractal image coding in the frequency domain,
Proceedings of International Workshop on Image Processing, Budapest, June 1994.
K. U. Barthel, T. Voye,
Three-Dimensional fractal video coding,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'95), Washington, D.C., USA
K. U. Barthel, T. Voye, P. Noll,
Improved fractal image coding,
Proceedings from Picture Coding Symposium, March 1993.
K. Belloulata, A. Baskurt, R. Prost,
Fast directional fractal coding of subbands using decision directed clustering for block classification,
in Proc. ICASSP'97, Munich, 1997.
Bethel, D. M., Monro, D. M.,
Optimum parent pruning in fractal compression,
in Proc. IEEE ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 97.
A. Bogdan,
Multiscale (inter/intra-frame) fractal video coding,
Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Austin, Texas, Nov. 1994.
A. Bogdan, H. E., Meadows,
Kohonen neural network for image coding based on iteration transformation theory,
Proceedings from SPIE Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing,
Vol. 1766, pp. 425--436, 1992.
M. Breazu, G. Toderean,
Region-based fractal image compression using deterministic search,
IEEE ICIP 98, Chicago, Oct. 1998.
C. Cabrelli, U. Molter,
Generalized self-similarity, wavelets and image analysis,
Preprint #78, Dept. of Math., University of Buenos Aires, 1994.
Chang, H. T., Kuo, C. J.,
Finite-state fractal block coding of images,
Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
Y.-C., Chang, B.-K., Shyu, J.-S., Wang,
Region-based fractal image compression with quadtree segmentation,
in Proc. ICASSP'97, Munich, 1997.
J.-M. Chassery, F. Davoine, E. Bertin,
Compression fractale par partitionnement de Delaunay,
14th Conference GRETSI, Juan-les-Pins, Sept. 1993.
B. Cheng, X. Zhu,
Multiresolution approximation of fractal transform,
to appear in Signal Processing.
G. Ciscar,
On entropy coding Fisher's fractal quadtree code,
June 1996.
Cohen, H. A.,
Thumbnail-based image coding utilizing the fractal transform,
Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
F. Davoine, E. Bertin, J.-M. Chassery,
From rigidity to adaptive tessellation for fractal image compression: Comparative studies,
IEEE 8th Workshop on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing,
Cannes, Sept. 1993.
F. Davoine, J.-M. Chassery,
Adaptive Delaunay triangulation for attractor image coding,
12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem, Oct. 1994.
Davoine, J. Svensson, J.-M Chassery,
A mixed triangular and quadrilateral partition for fractal image coding,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'95).
L. Dedera, J. Chmurny,
A new fast decoding algorithm for fractal image block coding scheme without spatial contraction,
Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol. 48, No.11-12 (1997), pp. 287-291.
L. Dedera, J. Chmurny,
A parallel approach to image decoding in the fractal image block coding scheme,
Neural Network World, Vol. 8, No 4 (1998) 365--374.
Dony, R., Vrscay, E.,
IFS coding using an MPC network library ,
1998 Canadian Conf. Electr. and Comp. Engineering, ON, May 1998.
Domaszewicz, J., Kuklinski, S., Vaishampayan, V. A.,
Fractal coding versus classified transform coding,
Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
J.-L Dugelay, E. Polidori, S. Roche,
Iterated Function Systems for still image processing,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing, Manchester,
Nov. 1996.
J.-L Dugelay, A. Gersho,
Enhanced fractal image coding by combining IFS and VQ,
in: Proc. IEEE ICIP'97, Santa Barbara, 1997.
J.-L Dugelay, E. Majdandzic,
Moving picture fractal compression using I.F.S. - A Review (II)- ,
EURECOM Internal Research Report, May 1997
D. Endo, T. Hiyane, K. Atsuta, S. Kondo,
Fractal image compression by the classification in the wavelet transform domain,
IEEE ICIP 98, Chicago, Oct. 1998.
B. Forte, E. R. Vrscay,
Solving the inverse problem for function/image approximations using iterated function systems,
I. Theoretical basis,
Fractals 2,3 (1994) 325--334.
B. Forte, E. R. Vrscay,
Solving the inverse problem for function/image approximations using iterated function systems,
II. Algorithm and computations,
Fractals 2,3 (1994) 335--346.
B. Forte, E. R. Vrscay,
Solving the inverse problem for function and image approximation using iterated function systems,
to appear in Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 1,2 (1995)..
B. Forte, E. R. Vrscay,
Theory of generalized fractal transforms,
to appear in the Proceedings of the NATO ASI on Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis,
July 1995, Trondheim.
C. Frigaard, J. Gade, T. Hemmingsen, T. Sand,
Image compression based on fractal theory,
Institute for Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark, 1994.
Gharavi-Alkhansari, M.,
Fractal-based image and video coding using matching pursuit,
PhD Thesis, University of Illinois, 1997.
Gharavi-Alkhansari, M., DeNardo, M., Tenda, Y., Huang, T. S.,
Resolution enhancement of images using fractal coding,
SPIE VCIP'97, Vol. 3024, 1997.
Gharavi-Alkhansari, M., Huang, T.,
A fractal-based image coding algorithm,
Gharavi-Alkhansari, M., Huang, T.,
Generalized image coding using fractal-based methods,
PCS'94, Sacramento, Sept. 94.
Gharavi-Alkhansari, M., Huang, T.,
Fractal based techniques for a generalized image coding method,
ICIP'94, Austin, Texas, 1994.
Gharavi-Alkhansari, M., Huang, T.,
Fractal-based image and video Coding ,
in Video Coding: The Second Generation Approach, L. Torres, M. Kunt (eds.),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
Gharavi-Alkhansari, M., Huang, T.,
Fractal video coding by matching pursuit
Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
Gharavi-Alkhansari, M., Huang, T.,
Fractal image coding using rate-distortion optimized matching pursuit,
VCIP'96, 1996.
Gharavi-Alkhansari, M., Huang, T.,
A system/graph theoretical analysis of attractor coders,
in Proc. ICASSP'97, Munich, 1997.
D, Gotting, A., Ibenthal, R.-R., Grigat,
Fractal image coding and magnification using invariant features,
NATO ASI Conf. Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis, Trondheim, July 1995,
Fractals, Volume 5, April 1997.
R. Hamzaoui,
Codebook clustering by self-organizing maps for fractal image compression,
NATO ASI Conf. Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis, Trondheim, July 1995,
Fractals, Volume 5, April 1997.
R. Hamzaoui,
Decoding algorithm for fractal image compression,
Electronics Letters, 32,14 (1996) 1273--1274.
R. Hamzaoui,
Fast decoding algorithms for fractal image compression,
Technical Report 86, Institut fur Informatik, University of Freiburg, 1997.
R. Hamzaoui,
Ordered decoding algorithm for fractal image compression
in: Proc. PCS'97 International Picture Coding Symposium, Berlin, Sept. 97.
R. Hamzaoui, B. Ganz, D. Saupe,
Quadtree based variable rate oriented mean shape-gain vector quantization,
in: Proc. DCC'97 Data Compression Conference, J. A. Storer, M. Cohn (eds.),
IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1997.
R. Hamzaoui, M. Muller, D. Saupe,
VQ-enhanced fractal image compression
ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
R. Hamzaoui, M. Muller, D. Saupe,
Enhancing fractal image compression with vector quantization,
1996 IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop,
Loen, Sept. 1996.
H. Hartenstein, D. Saupe, K.-U., Barthel,
VQ-Encoding of luminance parameters in fractal coding,,
in: Proc. ICASSP 1997,
Munich, 1997.
Hebert, D., Soundararajan, E.,
Fast fractal image compression with triangular multiresolution block matching,
IEEE ICIP 98, Chicago, October 98.
H.-L. Ho, W.-K. Cham,
Attractor image coding using lapped partitioned iterated function systems,
in: Proc. ICASSP'97, Munich, 1997.
Honda, H., Haseyama, M., Kitajima, H., Matsumoto, S.,
Extension of the collage theorem,
in Proc. IEEE ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 97.
B. Hurtgen,
Contractivity of fractal transforms for image coding,
Electronics Letters, 29 (1993) 1749-1750.
B. Hurtgen,
Performance bounds for fractal coding,
Proceedings of ICASSP-1995 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 4,
Detroit, 1995.
B. Hurtgen,
Statistical evaluation of fractal coding schemes,
ICIP'95, Vol. 3 pp. 280-283, Washington, DC, USA, 1995.
B. Hurtgen, P. Buttgen,
Fractal approach to low-rate video coding,
Proceedings from SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing,
Vol. 2094, pp. 120--131, 1993.
B. Hurtgen, T. Hain,
On the convergence of fractal transforms,
Proceedings of ICASSP-1994 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 5, pp. 561--564,
Adelaide, 1994.
B. Hurtgen, F. Muller,
Modelling of fractal coding schemes,
Proceedings of the VIIth European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO'94 Vol. 1
Edinburgh, Scotland pp. 600-603, 1994.
B. Hurtgen, F. Muller,
Selbstahnlichkeit als neuartiges Prinzip zur Quellencodierung,
Proceedings ITG-Fachtagung 130, Codierung fur Quelle, Kanal und Ubertragung, pp. 277-284,
Muenchen, 1994.
B. Hurtgen, F. Muller, C. Stiller,
Adaptive fractal coding of still pictures,
Proceedings of the International Picture Coding Symposium PCS'93
Lausanne, Switzerland, 1993.
B. Hurtgen, P. Mols, S. F. Simon,
Fractal transform coding of color images,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing,
SPIE '94, Vol. 2308, pp. 1683-1691, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1994.
B. Hurtgen, S. F. Simon,
On the problem of convergence in fractal coding schemes,
ICIP'94, Austin, Texas, 1994.
B. Hurtgen and C. Stiller,
Fast hierarchical codebook search for fractal coding of still images,
Proceedings EOS/SPIE Visual Communications and PACS for Medical Applications '93
Vol. 1977 Berlin, Germany pp. 397-408, 1993.
A. Ibenthal, A. Dicks, R.-R., Grigat,
Fourier domain measurement of geometrical scaling and rotation factors
for fractal image coding and motion compensated prediction,
in: Proc. PCS'97, Berlin, Sept. 1997.
Kim, S. H., Kim, N. C.,
Low bit rate video coding using wavelet-based fractal approximation,
in Proc. IEEE ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 97.
C.-S., Kim, R.-C., Kim, S.-U, Lee,
Novel fractal image compression method with non-iterative decoder,
Proc. ICIP-95 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Washington, D.C., 1995.
C.-S., Kim, S.-U, Lee,
Fractal coding of video sequence by circular prediction mapping,
NATO ASI Conf. Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis,
Trondheim, July 1995, Fractals, Volume 5, April 1997.
J. Kominek,
Algorithm for fast fractal image compression,
Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 2419, 1995.
J. Kominek,
Convergence of fractal encoded images,
Proceedings DCC'95 Data Compression Conference,
J. A. Storer, M. Cohn (eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1995.
H. Krupnik, D. Malah, E. Karnin,
Fractal representation of images via the discrete wavelet transform,
IEEE 18th Conf. of Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv, March 1995.
J. Li, C. C. J. Kuo,
Fractal wavelet coding using a rate-distortion constraint
ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
Lin, H., Venetsanopoulos, A. N.,
Fast pyramid search for perceptually lossless fractal image compression,
Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne,
Sept. 1996.
G. Melnikov, A. Katsaggelos,
A non uniform segmentation optimal hybrid fractal/DCT image compression algorithm,
in Proc. ICASSP-98, Seattle, Washington, May 1998.
Monro, D. M., Wakefield, P. D.,
Zooming with implicit fractals,
in Proc. IEEE ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 97.
Noh, Y. H., Kim, S. H., Kim, N. C.,
Block loss recovery using fractal extrapolation for fractal coded images,
IEEE ICIP 98, Chicago, Oct 1998.
M. Novak,
Attractor coding of images,
Licentiate Dissertation, Linkoping University, May 1993.
M. Novak,
Attractor coding of images,
Picture Coding Symposium, Lausanne 93.
G. E. Oien, Z. Baharav, S. Lepsoy, D. Malah, E. Karnin,
A new improved collage theorem with applications to multiresolution fractal image coding,
Proc. ICASSP, 1994.
G. E. Oien, R. Hamzaoui, D. Saupe,
On the limitations of fractal image texture coding,
in: Proc. NORSIG'96, Espoo, Sept. 1996.
J. F. L. de Oliveira, G. V. Mendonca, R. J. Dias,
A modified fractal transformation to improve the quality of fractal coded images
IEEE ICIP 98, Oct. 1998
E. Polidori, J.-L. Dugelay,
Zooming using Iterated Function Systems
NATO ASI Conference on Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis,
Trondheim, July 1995, Fractals, Volume 5, April 1997.
J. Puate, F. Jordan,
Using fractal compression scheme to embed a digital signature into an image,
in: Proc. SPIE Vol. 2915, Jan 1997.
H. Rauhut, T. Riegel,
Fraktale Bild- und Videokodierung,
Internal Report, Siemens AG, Munich, Sept. 1997.
E. Reusens,
Sequence coding based on the fractal theory of iterated transformations systems,
Proc. of VCIP'93, Boston 1993.
E. Reusens,
Overlapped adaptive partitioning for image coding based on the theory of iterated function systems
Proc. of ICASSP 1994, Adelaide.
E. Reusens,
Partitioning complexity issue for iterated functions systems based image coding,
Proc. of VII EUSIPCO, Edinburgh, September 1994.
R. Rinaldo, G. Calvagno,
An image coding scheme using block prediction of the pyramid subband decomposition,
Proc. ICIP 1994, Austin, Texas.
R. Rinaldo, G. Calvagno,
Image Coding by Block Prediction of Multiresolution Subimages,
IEEE Trans. on Image Proc., July 1995.
S. Roche, J.-L., Dugelay, R. Molva,
Multi resolution access control algorithm based on fractal coding,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'96), Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
M. Ruhl, H. Hartenstein,
Optimal fractal coding is NP-hard
in: Proceedings DCC'97 Data Compression Conference, J. A. Storer, M. Cohn (eds.),
IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1997.
M. Ruhl, H. Hartenstein, D. Saupe,
Adaptive Partitionings for Fractal Image Compression,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'97), Santa Barbara, Oct. 1997.
D. Saupe,
Breaking the time complexity of fractal image compression,
Technical Report 53, Institut fur Informatik, 1994.
Figures 1 2 3.
Замечание: Статья "From classification to multidimensional keys", цитируемая
как [Saup94c] в "A guided tour..." является отрывком этой статьи. Таким образом
отдельная ее копия вам не нужна.
D. Saupe,
Accelerating fractal image compression by multi-dimensional nearest neighbor search,
Proceedings DCC'95 Data Compression Conference, J. A. Storer, M. Cohn (eds.),
IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1995.
D. Saupe,
Fractal image compression via nearest neighbor search,
in: Conf. Proc. NATO ASI Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis,
Trondheim, July 1995, Y. Fisher (ed.), to appear in Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.
D. Saupe,
Lean domain pools for fractal image compression,
in: Proceedings from IS&SPIE 1996 Symposium on Electronic Imaging:
Science & Technology -- Still Image Compression II,Vol. 2669, Jan. 1996.
D. Saupe,
The futility of square isometries in fractal image compression,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'96),
Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
D. Saupe, B. Butz,
Real-time very low bit rate video coding with adaptive mean-removed vector quantization,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'97), Santa Barbara, Oct. 1997.
D. Saupe, R. Hamzaoui,
A guided tour of the fractal image compression literature,
Technical Report 58, Institut fur Informatik, July 94.
A first version is contained in the SIGGRAPH'94 course notes.
D. Saupe, R. Hamzaoui,
Complexity reduction methods for fractal image compression,
in: IMA Conf. Proc. on Image Processing; Mathematical Methods and Applications,
Sept. 94, J. M. Blackledge (ed.), Oxford University Press, 1997.
D. Saupe, R. Hamzaoui, H. Hartenstein,
Fractal image compression - An introductory overview
in: Fractal Models for Image Synthesis, Compression, and Analysis, D. Saupe, J. Hart (eds.),
ACM SIGGRAPH'96 Course Notes.
D. Saupe, H. Hartenstein,
Lossless acceleration of fractal image compression by fast convolution,
ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
D. Saupe, M. Ruhl,
Evolutionary fractal image compression,
ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
D. Saupe, M. Ruhl, R. Hamzaoui, L. Grandi, D. Marini,
Optimal hierarchical partitions for fractal image compression,
ICIP-98 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Chicago, Oct. 1998.
M. Scheibe,
Square Isometries as Integral Part of Fractal Transformation-An Analysis
Frequenz Vol 51 5-6 (1997) 168-170.
B. Schouten, P. de Zeeuw,
Feature extraction using fractal codes,
in Proc. of the Conference Fractals in Engineering, Delft, June, 1999.
J. Signes,
Geometrical interpretation of IFS based image coding,
NATO ASI Conf. Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis,
Trondheim, July 1995, Fractals, Volume 5, April 1997.
B. Simon,
Explicit link between local fractal transform and multiresolution transform,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'95).
Simon, B.,
Image coding using overlapping fractal transform in the wavelet domain,
Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
W. Skarbek,
On convergence of affine fractal operators
Image Processing and Communications 1,1 (1995) 34-41.
Tanimoto, M., Ohyama, H., Katsuyama, S., Kimoto, T., Fujii, T.,
A new fractal image coding employing blocks of variable shapes,
Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
N. T. Thao,
A hybrid fractal-DCT coding scheme for image compression,
in Proc. ICIP-96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Lausanne, Sept. 1996.
N. T. Thao,
Local search fractal image compression for fast integrated implementation,
in Proc. ISCAS'97 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
Hong Kong, June. 1997.
L. Vences, I. Rudomin.
Fractal compression of single images and image sequences using genetic algorithms,
G. Vines,
Signal Modeling with Iterated Function Systems,
PhD Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993.
Vrscay, E. R.,
A generalized class of fractal-wavelet transforms for image representation and compression,
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, January 1998.
P. D. Wakefield, D. M. Bethel, D. M. Monro,
Hybrid image compression with implicit fractal terms,
in Proc. ICASSP'97, Munich 1997.
A. van der Walle,
Merging fractal image compression and wavelet transform methods,
NATO ASI Conf. Fractal Image Encoding and Analysis,
Trondheim, July 1995, Fractals, Volume 5, April 1997.
S. Welstead,
Self-Organizing Neural Network Domain Classification for Fractal Image Coding,
Proc. of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing,
July 27-31, 1997, Banff, Canada pp. 248-251.
B. Wohlberg,
Fractal Image Compression and the Self-Affinity Assumption:
A Stochastic Signal Modelling Perspective
PhD thesis, University of Cape Town, Aug. 1996.
B. Wohlberg, G. de Jager,
On the reduction of fractal image compression encoding time
in : Proc. 1994 IEEE South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing
COMSIG'94, Oct. 1994.
B. Wohlberg, G. de Jager,
Fast image domain fractal compression by DCT domain block matching,
Electronics Letters 31 (1995) 869--870.
B. Wohlberg, G. de Jager ,
Fractal coding performance for first-order Gauss-Markov models
Electronics Letters 32,5 (1996) 441-442.
Y. Zhang, L. M., Po,
Fractal color image compression using vector distortion measure,
Proc. ICIP-95 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Washington, D.C., 1995.
Zhang, Y., Po, L.-M., Yu, Y.-L.,
Wavelet transform based variable tree-size fractal video coding,
in Proc. IEEE ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 97.
Zhao, Y., Yuan, B.,
Image compression using fractals and discrete cosine transform,
Electronics Letters, 30(6): 474-475, March 1994
Zhao, Y., Yuan, B.,
A hybrid image compression scheme combining block-based fractal coding and DCT,
Signal Processing: Image Communication, 8(2): 73-78, March 1996
Zhao, Y., Yuan, B.,
A new affine transformation: its theory and application to image coding,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Vol. 8, No. 3,
June 1998