JRchive is a program for compressing files and storing them in an archive file. It has a "concatenated archive" option that puts the files in the archive first, then compresses it for better compression ratios. Archives and the file extraction program may be distributed without royalty and you may also create royalty-free self-extracting archives.
JRchive is a system for compressing and archiving files. The process of archiving files involves packing a number of separate files into one archive file. As the files are added to the archive they may be compressed so that the archive file takes less space on disk than the individual files
Actually there are two ways of compressing files in an archive. You may have some or all of your files compressed as you add them to the
archive, or the files can be added to the archive in an uncompressed form and the archive as a whole compressed. The latter is called a
concatenated archive; it can save even more space if the archive consists of many small files or files with similar characteristics.