NuLib is a shell-based NuFX archive utility, based loosely on
"ARC" for the IBM PC and "ar" under UNIX. It allows you to perform certain
operations on the same archives used by ShrinkIt, including view archive contents, add to archive, extract from archive, and delete
from archive. In addition, it will list and unpack files from Binary II
This program is primarily targeted at users of non-Apple II computer
systems, from IBM PC compatibles to Sun workstations to Amdahl mainframes. It will also be of use to people who use a GS/OS shell on
the Apple //gs, such as APW, ORCA, or ECP-16 (although it is considerably slower than
NuLib may require more than 256K of free RAM to function properly. Apple //gs users can use YankIt
instead, which is much smaller and many times faster (though considerably less