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ERIHigh-performance lossless multimedia archiver, freeware version. "Lossless" means that after you extract a compressed file, every bit in the extracted copy is exactly the same as in the original. Although this version can auto-detect and compress sound in .669 and .WAV format, N-bit images if N<>24, and any other files, it was made for compressing 24-bit-True-Color images.It can't handle other image formats except uncompressed *.BMP, *.RAS, *.TGA, and some *.TIF files - other images will be recognized as general data. It is not very good for handmade pictures, but on natural images it gives about 30% better results (using nearly the same time!) than famous PNG algorithm which used to be considered the best lossless one available. Remember that neither JPEG nor GIF are lossless formats for True Color images, TIFF and PNG are lossless. (from JPEG image compression FAQ, part 1/2: ...Thus, JPEG is intended for compressing images that will be looked at by humans. If you plan to machine-analyze your images, the small errors introduced by JPEG may be a problem for you, even if they are invisible to the eye. ...The real disadvantage of lossy compression is that if you repeatedly compress and decompress an image, you lose a little more quality each time) This version has 16 commands with 44 options, including ability to convert every given file to .ERI (and back) OR to add/extract all given files to/from an .ERI archive, various transformations and parameters for better compression, multiple volumes support, password encryption, environment variable ERI_SW usage, list files support, data protection, base and work directories assignment, 6 compression methods, and many others.
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