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ZIPerfect is simple but powerful program with an easy to use Windows Explorer interface that allows you to create or send a ZIP file or Self - Extracting ZIP without having to use any other compression or e-mail software. "Email and Zip?? I hate hearing those together! Start up this Zip program, zip the files, put the archive out there, run my mail program, address it and send it out. What a pain. ZIPerfect simplifies that process by doing it all in essentially one step. The program starts with a fairly basic file selection interface. You choose your multiple files, and click ok. You are then presented with a simple email interface, where you say who the email is going to, and type a message. Voila! That's all there is to it. Your zipped files go out as an attachment.
Powerfull UNZIP features:
Other features:
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Сравнительные тесты
Альтернативные тесты
Графические тесты
Necromancer's DN
Сайт о сжатии >> Новинки | О сервере | Статистика Книга "Методы сжатия данных" >> Универсальные | Изображений | Видео Разделы >> Download (статьи+исходники) | Ссылки | Ru.compress | Arctest | Видео | Каталог ссылок | Форум Проекты >> Д.Ватолина | А.Ратушняка | М.Смирнова | В.Юкина | Е.Шелвина | А.Филинского | Д.Шкарина | С.Оснача |