Re: BWT с потерями

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Автор: Maxim Smirnov, <>
SPb, 27 мая 2003 года в 16:17:02

В ответ на : BWT с потерями от FAL в 27 мая 2003 года в 10:43:21:

> Вот такой странный, наверное, вопрос. Как насчет сабжа?
> Имеется в виду такая упаковка, в которой частью информации можно пренебречь в пользу коэффициента сжатия, например, в изображениях.
> Кто-то занимался такими исследованиями?

1997 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP '97) Volume 1
October 26 - 29, 1997
Washington, DC
pp. 65-68 Waveform and image compression using the Burrows Wheeler transform and the wavelet transform

Haitao Guo, C.S. Burrus

Recently, the Burrows Wheeler transform (BWT) has been proposed for text compression. The BWT based compression algorithm performs close to the best algorithm known today on a set of standard text files, and it has less complexity. In this paper we propose a novel waveform and image compression scheme using the Burrows Wheeler transform. We show that the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) could be used before the Burrows Wheeler transform to improve the compression performance for many natural signals and images. We demonstrate that the simple concatenation of the DWT and BWT coding performs comparably as the embedded zerotree wavelet (EZW) compression for images. Various techniques that significantly improve the performance of our compression scheme are also discussed.

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