J2000: A JPEG-2000 codec (www.j2000.org)

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Автор: Nван Павлов,
25 июня 2004 года в 16:10:41

В ответ на : (Yet another?) Free JPEG 2000 SDK -- Earth Resource Mapping ECW JPEG 2000 SDK v3.0 Beta 3 от Nван Павлов в 20 июня 2004 года в 16:38:02:


The J2000 codec was written in an effort to produce the cleanest and simplest implementation possible of the JPEG-2000 standard. We have put a particular emphasis on good architecture design and code simplicity, while at the same time providing an implementation as complete and efficient as possible. The source code for the codec is freely available for anyone to study or even for use in commercial programs. We hope that our open development process and our focus on clean, straightforward code will help make the J2000 codec become a reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 standard.


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