MSU Scene Change Detector
MSU Graphics & Media Lab (Video Group)
Project, Ideas: Dr. Dmitriy Vatolin, Alexander Parshin
Implementation: Ivan Glazistov
Updating and additions: Sergey Grishin
Common Description
Scene Change Detector is made to automatic identification of scene boundaries in video sequence.
Change Log
[!] - Known bug
Version 1.2
Version 1.1
Version 1.0
[+] - New Feature
[*] - Other
[*] Windows Vista & Windows 7 support implemented
[*] Visualization bug fixed for non-stadard resolution video
[+] First plugin release
Default and recommended value is 3 (Block-Based Histogram).
The plugin implements four algorithms of similarity measurements between two adjacency frames in video sequence:
The choice of the algorithm can be made in Settings. Numbers from 1 up to 4 corresponds to each algorithm.
Y-plane is drawing during the visualization. Brightness of scene boundary frames is increased.
Example of visualization:

Metric's plot is making after all measurements. "One" value means that current frame is the first frame in scene, other frames have "zero" values. Sequence average value is the number of detected scene changes.

Pixel-level comparison
Similarity measure of two frames is the sum of absolute differences (SAD) between corresponding pixels values.
Global Histogram
The histogram is obtained by counting the number of pixels in frame with specified brightness level.
The difference between two histograms is then determined calculating SAD of number of pixels on each brightness level.
Block-Based Histogram
Each frame is divided into 16x16 pixel blocks. Brightness distribution histogram is constructed for each block.
Then similarity measure for each block is obtained. Average value of these measures is accepted as a frames similarity measure.
Motion Estimation algorithm with block size 16x16 pixels is performed for two adjacency frames at the first stage.
After that average value of motion vector errors is accepted as a finally similarity measure.
MSU Video Quality Measurement Tools
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Other resources
Video resources:
Server size: 8069 files, 1215Mb (Server statistics)
Project updated by
Server Team and
MSU Video Group
Project sponsored by YUVsoft Corp.
Project supported by MSU Graphics & Media Lab