MSU Device Testing — determination of the 3D devices' characteristics

MSU Graphics & Media Lab (Video Group)

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Projects, ideas: Dr. Dmitriy Vatolin
Implementation: Denis Sumin, Alexey Fedorov

Tested Devices:

This page will be updated and new equipment will be added.
You can participate in the project by testing its 3D device!
  1. Stereo monitor with circular polarization Zalman ZM-M215W (Show details)

    Zalman ZM-M215W


    We observed channels swap watching the display from different vertical angels.

    We have constructed for this device the maps of 3D-perception quality per viewing position:

    Vertical plane.
    Vertical plane.

    Horizontal plane, the height of 1.2m.
    Horizontal plane, the height of 1.2m.

  2. Stereo TV with circular polarization Philips 47PFL7606H (Show details)

    Philips 47PFL7606H


    We have learned that the quality of 3D perception is affected by head bending in spite of circular polarization, however, high-quality 3D image is preserved in case of bending up to 15–30 degrees.

    Bend head.
    This figure is illustration of how image quality depends on head bending. The only left view of the test image is presented. The expected image shouldn't contain “2” digits but it is possible when crosstalk is high.

    We have constructed for this device the maps of 3D-perception quality per viewing position:

    Vertical plane.
    Vertical plane.

    Horizontal plane, the height of 1.0m.
    Horizontal plane, the height of 1.0 m.

Other materials:

Video resources:

Last updated: 12-May-2022
Server size: 8069 files, 1215Mb (Server statistics)

Project updated by
Server Team and MSU Video Group

Project sponsored by YUVsoft Corp.

Project supported by MSU Graphics & Media Lab