VirtualDub MSU Old Color Restoration
User Guide
MSU Graphics & Media Lab (Video Group)
ideas: Dr. Dmitriy Vatolin, Dmitriy Kulikov
Valentina Rudneva
Project now is in beta-testing stage
Filter is used for restoring of faded colors in old video.
Old video color restorarion
Filter parameters: Color shift and Auto Levels.
Color shift
Color displacement along the lines to average of distribution vector. Control defines shift value.
Auto Levels
Automatic levels correction. Control defines the accuracy.
- Open this file VirtualDub. Unpacked in the folder "Plugins". File size 65 KB (in ZIP)
- Filter User's Guide
- MSU Color Enhancement filter page
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Another resources
Video resources:
Server size: 8069 files, 1215Mb (Server statistics)
Project updated by
Server Team and
MSU Video Group
Project sponsored by YUVsoft Corp.
Project supported by MSU Graphics & Media Lab