MSU Drop Frames Metric
MSU Graphics & Media Lab (Video Group)
Project, Ideas: Dr. Dmitriy Vatolin
Implementation: Alexey Noskov
Updating and additions: Sergey Grishin
Common description
DFM is made to calculate number of drop-frames in sequence.
Change Log
[!] - Known bug
Version 1.1
Version 1.0 Metric's visualization difference of Y-planes between two consecutive frames + 128. So, grey color (128, 128, 128) means that brigtness of a pixel is the same as at the previous frame. Metric's plot is making after all measurements. "Zero" value means that current frame exist, "one" - that it is dropped. The resulting metric's value is number of drop-frames. For each frame difference with the previous one is calculating. Metric's value is 1 if frames are identical, 0 otherwise.
[+] - New Feature
[*] - Other
[*] Visualization bug fixed for non-stadard resolution video
[+] First plugin release
MSU Video Quality Measurement Tools
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Other resources
Video resources:
Server size: 8069 files, 1215Mb (Server statistics)
Project updated by
Server Team and
MSU Video Group
Project sponsored by YUVsoft Corp.
Project supported by MSU Graphics & Media Lab